Tractor Supply | Trenton Delivers

Home Retail Tractor Supply | Trenton Delivers

Howdy partners! Need some feed for the chickens but don’t want to get off the Farm?

Let us handle that for you!

Important Update: Before placing your order, please check delivery availability for your desired time by starting the booking process here or by following us on Facebook. We regularly post updates whenever driver availability is limited.

Disclaimer: Please note that Trenton Delivers cannot be held responsible for orders placed outside of our designated delivery times and availability.

This is how we do it:

  1. Head to the Tractor Supply website or download the app.
  2. Order your items from Tractor Supply and checkout. Make sure you set your order to pickup at the 5121 White Oak Gap Road, GA-136 location! Also include your name and what time the pickup is set to.
    • Note: Some items on the store page won’t be available for same-day pickup. There is a box on the side of the website that you can check – it will ensure you that everything you pick out will be ready today!
  3. Apply for your pickup appointment here on our booking page! We’ve made it real easy – just fill out the forms and hit a few buttons and you’re done.
  4. Send delivery payment and any tips to your driver via Venmo/Cash App at “TrentonDeliversYour driver will reach out upon booking to confirm and give you a total!
  5. Get along, little doggies! We’re on our way to you! Sit tight, all of your items will be safe in our vigilant care.

Bonus Tip: Did you know that Tractor Supply has a very impressive candy aisle at checkout? Let us know if you want us to look out for any specific types of flavors or brands. Try the Goo-goo Clusters, they’re sourced from Nashville and they’re one of our favorites!

Skip the wait, get the service!

Additional Information:

  • Hours: MOST DAYS – 8 AM – 9 PM | SUNDAY 9 AM – 7 PM
  • Contact: (706) 657-5090
  • Address: 5121 White Oak Gap Road, GA-136, Trenton, GA 30752

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Home Retail Tractor Supply | Trenton Delivers